Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Colleen and me, talkin trees

in which a Takoma Park City Councilmember and I engage in a civil exchange of views on the relative merits of trees and solar panels in the realm of energy savings.

This happened on Facebook after the Gazette ran a story  about two Takoma homeowners who wanted to install solar collectors on their roof. To do so, however, they needed to remove a tree that didn't look too healthy anyway. 

Jeremy Arias reported on July 7:

"At the heart of the matter is a decades-old silver maple growing directly in front of the Earles' house at 231 Grant Ave. While Patrick Earle has argued, among other things, that the tree is rotting internally and will soon present a safety hazard anyway, City Arborist Todd Bolton remains rooted in his stance that the massive maple is far from dead. Because the tree in question is defined by the city's code as an urban forest tree—it measures more than 24 inches in circumference at a height of four feet from the ground—it falls under the ordinance's protection, according to the city's code.

"It's not dead, it's not hazardous; he's choosing to remove it to put in his solar panels, and if you want to do that, there's a cost associated," Bolton said of the Earles' tree. "That's not my decision, that's not stuff I just made up; that's in the ordinance."

"Since Bolton did not classify the tree as a hazard, the ordinance states that the Earles need to either replace the tree or pay the city the "fair market value" of 23 replacement trees. Because of the tree's size—roughly 50 inches in circumference—the ordinance's formula dictates that the Earles would need to plant 23 replacement trees to make up for it.

"It seems completely unreasonable," Patrick Earle said.

He added that, according to the city, fair market value for 23 trees would cost him about $4,000 at $175 a tree, much more than the $2,000 estimates he's received from contacting private landscapers."

Earle's comments on his experience and recommendations for changes to the city's unforgiving tree ordinance make for interesting reading.

Earle tells me about (and sends along) arborist Todd Bolton's decision to "rate the trunk of my tree as a 3 on a 5-point scale. However, the table in section 12.12.100 of the Tree Code implies that if the trunk is severely hollow that the rating should be a "1". When the tree was cut down we discovered that the trunk was very hollow. One of the major branches that was leaning over power lines and my neighbor's house was dangerously hollow."

From the code:

12.12.100 (C)    The basal area of the replacement trees, measured at caliper height, must be no less than a percentage of the total basal area of the tree to be removed, measured at 4 1/2' above the ground. The percentage is determined using the following health quality analysis rating scale.

5 or 4
3 or 2
Sound and solid
Sections of bark missing
Extensive bark loss and hollow
Growth/Rate per
More than 6 inch year twig elongation
2 to 6 inch twig elongation
Less than 2 inch twig elongation
1 major or several minor limbs dead
2 or more major limbs dead
Normal pest presence
Moderate affliction or infestation
Severe affliction or infestation
Full and balanced
Full but unbalanced
Unbalanced and lacking a full crown
Life Expectancy
Over 30 years
5 to 30 years
Less than 5 years
Total Rating

After the article came out, my fellow Task Force on Env'l Action colleague Sat Jiwan Ikle-Khalsa wrote a sensible letter to the Gazette advocating a recommendation contained in our report that would establish colar co-ops on city buildings.

In any case, here's my exchange with Clay. She delivers a pithy, loaded statement, tries to reword it, and then declines to defend it and bows out of the conversation. Politicians in Takoma Park need to get thicker skin. Leather's out, so maybe recycled plastic bags?

Forest for the Trees

Sweet gums, willows, oaks, poplars, tulip poplars, Silver maple, gingko, serviceberry, hickory, et -- other species. I love you all. I hug you, I kiss your bark. 

OK, now on to writing about Public Menace #1 --trees, of the deciduous variety.

But first this -- I don't know whether anyone took to the podium tonight to laud trees for reducing air conditioning costs. There was an estimate quoted in the Takoma Voice, both online and in the newspaper, that claimed D.C. residents were saving $26 million a yr in lower AC costs because of all the trees in the nation's capital. 

Reporting on a symposium held "a few years ago" at Brookside Gardens, a Voice columnist wrote
"DC's trees filter out 540 tons of harmful air pollutants per year," according to Mark Buscaino, executive director of Casey Trees Endowment Fund. Mark also told us, "DC's trees also give us $26 million in annual air conditioning savings." Trees provide stormwater mitigation. They also offer direct economic and quality of life benefits. For instance, one study showed that urban streets with full tree canopies had more pedestrians. Trees pull people outdoors and subliminally encourage neighborhood interaction, which in turn lessens the local crime rate."
Not true. Casey Trees confirmed today that the correct number is indeed the one that has been on their website since before the Voice article was published.

Here's what they say on their site:

Cooling Shade

Cities typically average 10 degrees hotter than suburban areas. Trees provide shade and give off water vapor to cool the city in the summer. Homes shaded by trees have 10-30% savings in air conditioning costs compared to homes without shade. The shade trees of DC save us more than $2.6 million in air conditioning costs per year.
Some links for Takoma treenauts:

http://takomaparkmd.gov/clerk/agenda/items/2010/092710-9.pdf  Packet for city council worksession is here (includes Tree Commission comments)

Patrick Earle's comments
City staff comments

Arborist's rating of Patrick Earle's tree: 

"Note that he scored it a 4 out of 5 on structure, even when a 26" diameter branch was hollow enough to make it fall within a range that made it highly likely to fail," Earle said in an email today transmitting Bolton's scoring.

http://www.eswr.com/docs/tfea/aqweb.htm    my air quality chapter for the TFEA

Email sent today to a university expert -- I should probably get his OK before I post all this, but I don't think he'll mind. I've called him "Dr. C------" (or is it Dr. C-----? Gettin' hard to read these dashes.)

Dr. C------:

As requested:
http://www.eswr.com/docs/tfea/aqweb.htm   air quality chapter I wrote for the Task Force on Environmental Action report, which is available at that link minus the aqweb.htm (www.eswr.com/docs/tfea)   That page also has a lot of links to other documents
www.greenourcity.org is a web page another fellow and I did about the quest to get leaf blowers banned
http://www.eswr.com/docs/tfea/blowersagin.htm a piece I wrote to convince the members of the Task Force that we should recommend banning gas-powered blowers in the city and move twds addressing lawn and garden eqpt's contribution to air quality problems.
http://nrs.fs.fed.us/people/dnowak    USFS David Nowak's pagehttp://nrs.fs.fed.us/people/dnowak#pubs    w/ publications
http://www.arborday.org/replanting/partnership.cfm   Arbor Day Foundation and Forest Service's partnership
http://www.arborday.org/trees/benefits.cfm  Benefits calculator from ADF (whoops, nope that's the one for public consumption)
http://www.davey.com/ask-the-expert/tree-calculator/national-tree-benefit-calculator.aspx    probly the same thing from Davey Trees (heavily involved in Arbor Day Fdtn) (I figured out that the serviceberry planted in the right of way near my house is worth $11 yr in benefits.)

If it grows to 9 and a half feet, it'll be worth $24/yr

More to come on the topic of the decades in Takoma Park.