
Green matters

A few quick links to get started, courtesy of Takoma 20912:

The city of TP's page for the Takoma Park Task Force on Environmental Action, which delivered a report to the city council at the beginning of May (Full disclosure: I was co-chair of the TFEA and wrote the chapter on air quality). The TFEA report is at the city link in the previous sentence and also can be found at http://www.eswr.com/tfea, a page I put together before the report was discussed at the council meeting July 6.

So far as I know, the only publicity the report has gotten was an article in the Takoma Park Newsletter, written by Yours Truly. I did it because I wanted something to be in the public domain about the report before the council met July 6th (link to video), the date to which the report's official "unveiling" had been delayed because the council had to deal with FY 11 budget issues (i.e., not enough money, had to let some people go). 

If you don't want to download the full report (it's a fairly large PDF), you can grab individual chapters below.

Front matter (cover, intro, TOC)
City operations and programs 
High-priority recommendations
Air quality
Climate change


A. TFEA members (PDF, along with the subjects they focused on): Nadine Bloch, Leandra Carrasco, Steve Davies (co-chair), Joe Edgell (co-chair), Shari Friedman, David Bristol Hunter, Sat Jiwan Ikle-Khalsa, Timothy Male, Elizabeth Marshall, Austin Meyermann, Terrill North, John Peterson, Emily Riddle, Scott Schang, Milford Sprecher, and Catherine Tunis)
B. Status review of Local Action Plan for Reducing Greenhouse Gases (Feb. 2000)
C. Issues considered but not included
D. LEED basics
E. LEED ratings
F. Chevy Chase rebate forms
G. Takoma Park environmental history